ASEAN Science Diplomat Glenn Banaguas joins Wovoka’s Scientific Advisory Board

August 5, 2024

About Glenn

Glenn S. Banaguas is a multi-awarded prolific scientist, science diplomat, educator, and one of the leading Asian experts on environment, climate change, and disaster risk resilience. Glenn is the youngest honoree of the most distinguished Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Laureate in the field of Environment Conservation and Science Diplomacy, and the first Filipino Science Diplomat conferred as one of the Fellows by the prestigious Royal Society of Arts in the United Kingdom. Recently, he was also recognized as one of Asia’s Top 100 Scientists in the field of sustainability. 

Glenn is the Founder of the Environmental and Climate Change Research Institute (ECCRI) known for its mission of “bringing science and diplomacy to the poorest communities”. ECCRI’s flagship program provides cutting-edge research, training, and capacity building to various stakeholders in the country from the local to national levels. 

Glenn’s contributions also left a mark on corporate sustainability practices. As former Chief Resiliency and Sustainability Officer of the Philippine flag carrier, Philippine Airlines, he established a net zero emission roadmap by 2050 that is currently used by the aviation industry in the Philippines and other countries. His advisory work in environmental governance positions him as a leader in sustainable management and carbon reduction strategies.

During Glenn’s interview with Wovoka, he shared how he started the Environmental and Climate Change Research Institute (ECCRI), a volunteer-driven organization that brings science to the people.

“I knew early on that I wanted to do research that is tangible to the poorest of communities in the country, but finding support for this kind of work was tough. Then, I saw the opportunity to involve my students who were eager and excited to the idea of traveling to different parts of the country to do science. Eventually, we grew in number and the organization became a training ground for young researchers. The majority of the members are young, not by chance but by choice. I’m passionate about passing on what I know to these future leaders, who are now witnessing firsthand the realities faced by our most vulnerable communities due to climate change.”

Since the organization started with student researchers, he had to provide hands-on training in climate modeling, interpreting climate data, and GIS mapping. Aside from the technical skills, he also discussed the socio-economic aspect of the research that they do. For Glenn, sharing the same values and long-term vision with his students was as important as the actual research work. 

“At ECCRI, we operate under a simple belief: serving our people and the environment is, at its core, equivalent to serving a higher purpose. We travel across the country, bringing science to people’s doorsteps - whether they’re farmers, indigenous peoples, or those living in poverty. We do participatory action research to ensure that our solutions and policies are grounded on the lived experiences of the community.” 

Because of Glenn’s participatory approach, ECCRI’s flagship program, Climate Smart Philippines was adopted by several government agencies from the national down to the local level. This initiative helped several cities to make strategic decisions centered on people, climate impacts, and adaptation.

“Before going to any area, particularly those inhabited by indigenous peoples, we take extra steps to better understand their culture and that’s by reaching out to tribal leaders first. For instance, during our first visit to an indigenous village in 2011, we learned the importance of adapting to their ways; we couldn't simply drive there unannounced. Instead, we prioritized building relationships—engaging in conversations, getting to know the community, and playing with the children to foster a sense of camaraderie before introducing our initiatives. Once we got their buy-in, we were able to get insights beyond our initial objectives. We learned about their perspectives and the context of their daily lives. Our aim has always been to assist in a manner that respects their culture and needs.”

Building on the importance of showing respect to indigenous and local communities, Glenn further underscored the integral role of strong leaders on the ground who facilitate the collaboration between them and the community.

He became candid when he said that before deciding to work with a community, he needs to see first that the leaders are directly involved in on-the-ground work.

“I make it a point not to proceed with a partnership if the people who are supposed to lead are not present. Our time and resources are limited, so we offer them to communities that strongly need and desire our help. To make our operations efficient, we go directly to decision-makers who can provide immediate feedback. This helps us avoid the pitfalls of proposing comprehensive assessments that might not align with a city’s actual needs.”

Carbon credit industry in the Philippines

In reality, the role of strong leadership at the community level is no different from its role in a broader setting — the nascent but growing carbon credit industry in the Philippines.

Given the complex nature of carbon credits and their relative novelty to many lawmakers, the industry stands at a crossroads where strong and decisive leadership can catalyze its growth and ensure its alignment with the public's best interests.

“Only a few understand the dynamics of carbon credits. This is why it is important to have someone lobby for this among lawmakers. In doing so, it’s important to engage the scientists and specialists in community development to ensure that the law is well-informed.”

In the coming months, Glenn will join the rest of the Scientific Advisory Board members in providing technical support to Wovoka's project development process to ensure the integrity of the projects.

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