Open Positions

We are always on the lookout for exceptional andmission-driven scientists and business developers.

Do the right thing, together.
We all only have one life and only one Spaceship Earth. Let's make the most of both by working together, and securing a future for the next generation, even if it means planting trees under whose shade we may never even get to sit. In carbon offset projects, it's easy to take shortcuts and make beneficial assumptions; we put the planet and science first, over profits. 
Write it down.
We are a remote-first, globally distributed team. As such, high-quality, written communication and documentation are critical for asynchronous collaboration and achieving our goals. When in doubt, over-communicate so others know what you’re working on and where you’re at. We’ve also often found that if you’re stuck, often the best place to start is explaining your thinking – in long-form writing – to a trusted colleague or advisor.
Bring your full self to work.
Separating your "work self" and your "home self" ultimately leads to future frustration and disengagement. Absent violating the law or these values, we want you to be your full self at work. We value you and all the unique perspectives you bring. Do not be afraid to speak up & disagree openly with the most “senior” person in the room or crack a silly joke.
Results, results, results.
The market and the world reward results – not effort or time-in – and that's how we reward people. Always act with the intention of being helpful towards a shared purpose, but be focused enough to be able to deliver on your noble intentions, even if it requires ruthless prioritization.