This photo was taken when Ginny and I, alongside Mang Tomas and Mang Toto, were hiking in Basud, Camarines Norte, to scope a land for potential restoration. With a reusable bag carrying a few snacks slung over my shoulder, we navigated the steep, thorny terrain of Mt. Kulasi, perched beside the Bicol Natural Park. Through the path tangled with thorny lianas, anahaws and lamons, Mang Toto took several candid shots of the field team. It was late that day when I realized Mang Toto had captured the happiest photo of me in my entire career.
As we navigated unfamiliar parts of the forest, Mang Tomas, turned our hike into an impromptu taxonomy lesson. It was remarkable witnessing him identify native trees from a distance– even hundreds of meters away, explaining how and when they plant them and their impact on local wildlife. He would pick up fallen leaves and instantly recognize one Dipterocarp species from another.
He recalled some wildlife encounters, especially the tariktiks, or hornbills, which he described as the clock of the forest. These threatened species would call out in particular hours of the day reminding farmers that it is time to eat and call it a day.
My fascination for local tales deepened when a bapa, or tribal leader, told us the lores upon which their forests were built. During one of Wovoka's hikes in Mt. Kulasi in Mindoro, he shared how the tariktiks were revered as the creators of the forests, protected by an unwritten law passed down through generations. Hunting them during their mating season was strictly forbidden, as these birds play a vital role in the survival of the forests, dispersing seeds far and wide, ensuring that new life takes root from the earth.
These encounters left me in awe. Their knowledge of the land is a science in itself—a skill honed through generations of observation and lived experience, if not the very foundation upon which scientific knowledge was built. The depth of their understanding, from reading the rhythms of the forest to predicting the behavior of wildlife, is nothing short of incredible.
Despite their deep connection to the land, many upland communities are left with few options.
As we went deeper into the forests, we passed by some kaingineros. Mounted on their backs are bundles of heavy charred wood, each 40 kilograms at the very least. They will walk down the mountain for a couple of hours to sell the charcoal just to afford a meal.
Mang Toto shared the community’s struggle, revealing the deep sense of loss they feel when forced to clear forests for survival. As our conversation deepened, we learned that many would not choose this path if they had alternatives. But with families to feed and immediate needs to meet, survival takes priority over conservation. Given the freedom and resources, they would choose differently.
Their words reveal a truth often overlooked. Deforestation is not merely an environmental issue, but a social and economic one. When communities have sustainable alternatives, restoration also means restoring the community’s connection to the land, their traditions, and their dignity.
This is why restoration must address both ecological and human needs. Agroforestry, a practice deeply rooted in tradition, allows farmers to grow trees alongside crops and livestock, making the land productive without stripping it of its resources. By working with the land rather than against it, communities can sustain their livelihoods while ensuring the forests remain intact for future generations.
The photo serves as a constant reminder of why our work matters. The wisdom of ancestral forest stewards must not only be remembered but practiced, shaping how we restore landscapes and build lasting solutions.
Science and technology can enhance restoration, but they must be rooted in local knowledge and guided by those who have safeguarded these landscapes for generations. At Wovoka, we recognize that every successful project begins with the community at its core. True resilience is achieved when communities are equipped with the resources, autonomy, and voice to shape their own future.
Ren Leovido is a Forester and Research Associate for Community Forestry at Wovoka, assisting in High Conservation Value (HCV) project development and designing nature-based projects to support Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. She has contributed to designing climate-resilient master plans and agroforestry systems. She facilitates multi-stakeholder consultations, conducts socio-economic and environmental impact assessments, and supports research on sustainable livelihoods and forestry supply chains. She aims to advance Wovoka’s project development and consulting services by integrating local knowledge into strategic restoration solutions, ensuring both ecological impact and corporate sustainability commitment align with community needs.